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Simone van Breda is president of the BCD: Association of Cannabis Retailers. It represents a large group of coffee shop owners; and advocates in e.g. politics for the rights and development of the industry. Among other things, Uncle talks to her about the challenges these entrepreneurs face, how she helps solve them & we discuss the sensitivity of “legalizing” in the Netherlands and Europe. Learn along in the first episode of the fourth season of The High Cloud Podcast with Uncle Kush and Simone van Breda:

Simone van Breda

For several years, Simone van Breda has been president of the Union of Cannabis Retailers. A professional association for coffee shop owners, advocating for the interests of the group. Simone is therefore regularly busy lobbying (local) politicians, banks and other bodies for a positive development for entrepreneurs in the industry.

She is also an advisor to major cannabis brands such as The Bulldog, where this interesting episode was recorded. She will also soon stand for election to the European Parliament under the More Direct Democracy party. Where, of course, she will also advocate for the legalization of cannabis. A first episode of the fourth season of The High Cloud Podcast from the headquarters of canna giant The Bulldog.

Legalization must be learned

Het is dan ook geen verrassing dat we vooral praten over de overgang waarin we zitten. Die tussen de markt zoals we die kennen en de legaliseringsgolf die we nu in Europa zien. Hoe vlieg je dat aan en voorkom je de problemen die andere legale markten reeds gemaakt hebben? Zo kijken we naar de verschillen tussen legalisering in Portugal, Duitsland en Malta. Maar bespreken ook de belangrijke sociale functie van de oerhollandse coffeeshop. Een concept dat je verder nergens in de wereld tegenkomt.

Of course, we also discuss the challenges of these Dutch shops within the current regulations. Such as the banking issue, inventory problems and the I-criterion. And the risks legalization poses to these legendary meeting places.

Want to know more about the status of cannabis legalization and coffeeshops in the Netherlands (and Europe)? Then take a quick look now at ”LEARN TO LEGALIZE’: Simone van Breda – The High Cloud Podcast S04E01‘:

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