The High Cloud continues to rise and it was high time for expansion. So in addition to the podcast, events, jobs and clothing, you will now find Headshop items on In the THC Headshop, you will find high-quality smoker accessories for the stoner who likes to show what he stands for. Available NOW: the new THC Clipper Lighter and Hemp Grinder:
The High Cloud Grinder
Indispensable in every stoner’s stash box is, of course, a good grinder. The THC Grinder made of biodegradable hemp offers the perfect, even fluff with every grind. This is due to the uniquely shaped teeth that guarantee a fine-burning consistency with each bud you break up. The grinder is made of a smooth biodegradable hemp “plastic” and features the familiar THC logos on both sides.
The High Cloud Hemp Grinder is now available in our shop for only €7.50:
The High Cloud Clipper Lighter
What good is a joint if you can’t light it? Exactly! So The High Cloud now offers an original Clipper Lighter with THC logo design. The High Cloud Clippers are refillable lighters that last a lifetime. At least, at least as long as the flint lasts. By the way, you can remove the flint mechanism and use it to tightly pack your joint with. How convenient is that?
The High Cloud Clipper Lighter is now available in our shop for only €3:
THC Headshop
The THC Shop has expanded! Because in addition to the familiar sweaters and T-shirts made of unbleached cotton; we now also offer THC Headshop items. Starting with the most essential items for any cannabis consumer. But there is room for more, of course. What are you missing from your stash box? Let us know!
The High Cloud Podcast
The THC logo is known from The High Cloud podcast. The number one podcast about the Dutch cannabis industry presented by Uncle Kush. Where other cannabis enthusiasts will understand the message behind the green cloud with “THC”; it is not an “in your face” cannabis design. So you won’t draw attention if you take the grinder or lighter out of your pocket somewhere random or leave it lying around…. Handy!
Other THC products
The THC Shop features other The High Cloud items in addition to these headshop items. Think The High Cloud Sweater & T-Shirts. Find all products in the shop or contact us if you have any questions.
Curious about the podcast? Check it out here!